Santa Barbara Wellness Directory

Santa Barbara Somatic Experiencing & Integrative Bodywork - Alisha MusicantAlisha Musicant, MSN, RN, SEP

Santa Barbara location:
30 W. Mission Street, Suite 5, Santa Barbara, CA 93101 

Ojai location: 206 N. Signal St., Suite A, Ojai, CA 93023

Phone: 805-921-7096

"I have worked with Alisha for several years and she is truly a remarkable therapist.... She is intuitive, patient, nurturing, courageous, and sensitive. This work has supported me through stress, difficulty, and injury; and it has given me back clarity and perspective when they were lost. Alisha works with your whole person in a way that is graceful, curious, and respectful - arising instinctively from a place of deep listening."
- J.M.

About Alisha

Alisha adopts a client-centered and trauma-informed approach focused on fostering a genuine sense of safety. She works with adult clients from diverse backgrounds, and strives to provide an inclusive and welcoming therapeutic space for all. She is especially passionate about guiding individuals on their personal growth journeys.

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Alisha has been in practice as a holistic healer since 2009, first as a massage and craniosacral therapist, then became certified as a Somatic Experiencing Practitioner (SEP) in 2017 through Somatic Experiencing International. In addition to providing somatic experiencing sessions to the public, Alisha serves as a professional assistant for Somatic Experiencing International and is certified to offer sessions to students at both beginner and intermediate levels.

Alisha has also studied with Ray Castellino, founder of the Womb Surround work and the Ojai-based BEBA (Building and Enhancing Bonding & Attachment) clinic, along with Mary Jackson and Tara Blasco. Alisha completed both the Castellino Pre & Perinatal Foundations and Family Practice trainings, and she supports families with young children at the BEBA clinic.

Alisha's training background also includes biodynamic craniosacral therapy, lactation counseling, doula work, Hatha Yoga, and mindfulness meditation. Besides a background in these holistic modalities, she is a registered nurse with a masters in nursing, and has worked primarily in the areas of perinatal nursing, psychiatric nursing, community health, and clinical nursing education.


Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing (SE), developed by Dr. Peter Levine, is a client-centered approach to healing trauma that creatively honors the wisdom of the nervous system. We aim to build resilience and somatic awareness, uncoupling traumatic memories from our present-time body response so that we feel more in our power and more in choice, moment to moment. In sessions, we use dialogue, supportive touch, and exploration of emotions, memories, and movement in service of nervous system regulation. We work in a titrated way to create a safe container where you can transform stuck places and come back more fully to yourself.

Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy
Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy supports nervous system health and honors the client's self-healing process. In this gentle but powerful work, I listen to your body through my hands, facilitating the release of resistance patterns and allowing the nervous system to settle. Craniosacral sessions can relieve emotional stress and provide relief for a number of conditions including birth-related trauma, accident recovery, chronic pain, headaches, anxiety, and grief. This work will support you in grounding, centering, and unwinding tension patterns.

Pre & Perinatal Integration and Support
Our bodies and nervous systems hold and remember the somatic and emotional imprints of our earliest experiences during gestation, birth, and first several years of life, and these imprints can have a profound effect on our physical and mental health. Within a supportive relational container, we re-negotiate these early imprints to access more empowerment and inner freedom. Pre & perinatal (PPN) sessions are structured like mini womb-surround turns, providing a safe and un-pressured relational space to explore and work through early developmental trauma.

Client Testimonials

"Working with Alisha has been nothing short of transformative for me. I leave every session feeling deeply heard, seen, supported and with more access to resources in my daily life. I am so grateful for her gentle and attentive abilities to help my nervous system process stress and recover from the impacts of surgical and birth traumas. Thank you so much for doing what you do Alisha!"
- C.M.

"I cannot adequately express my gratitude for Alisha and her practice. I also cannot recommend her enough to any and everyone. After my first meeting with her, I left feeling so much more grounded in myself. It was the first time I left any kind of therapy session feeling more regulated, and not simply emotionally undone and exhausted."
- N.H.

"Alisha is an extraordinary somatic experiencing practitioner. This work has helped me go much deeper than traditional talk therapy. Alisha holds a space that makes me feel safe to go deep into my process. She has helped me to understand and communicate my boundaries. And she has given me tools to understand my nervous system and how to regulate it, which for me has been life-changing."
- R.N.

Contact Alisha

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Santa Barbara Wellness Directory
Santa Barbara, CA 93101 ~ 805-722-5729

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