splits her time between Strömstad, Sweden and Santa Barbara, California, where she works as a writer, healer, lymphatic therapist and artist.
and Poetry
Birgitta is a professionally trained journalist and also holds the equivalent to a Master's Degree including, Cultural Studies, Sociology, and Swedish Language and Literature.
She writes poems, and won a prize for her poetry from Cornell University, New York. In addition to her writing poetry she does teaching, translating, and editing. In her poems she presents different aspects of common things, sometimes to surprise but most often for reflections on life.
Birgitta offers Creative Writing classes for individuals and groups covering topics on how to get started with your writing and how to organize and write your family history. She also offers text editing and translations between English and Swedish.
Birgitta is engaged in the annual Winter
Word Festival in her birth place Strömstad. At its Book Fairs she recites her most recent poems, and has been published in the 2 anthologies Vågor and Lågor.
She has read her poems as a part of a live art performance at the art gallery Lokstallet
in Strömstad and in collaboration with a dancer, Birgitta gave a live reading of her poetry during a Live Art Festival along the ocean.
The poems are written in or translated into English by the poet.
See the video below where Birgitta recites Raindrops... from her most recent poetry collection STARSET, published 2020:
A star,
extending beams,
quills in all directions.
Reaching for the light,
constant risk of being stung.
Challenge beckons,
tempting soul’s star to unfurl. |
A poem from the collection SUNSET, published in 2016 as a part of an exhibition with three other artists at Strömstad’s art gallery:
wide open eyes
stare to the sun
without protection
into the heart of life
the moment a bridge
to the origin of existence |
SUNSET and STARSET will soon be followed by MOONSET and a collection of poems inspired by selected photos of nature by a Dutch photographer in a joint exhibition.
Birgitta is also educated in watercolor technique and attended an Open Show for local artists in the Fall of 2018 in Strömstad, Sweden. Out of nearly a hundred shown pieces, she was one of two artists who got work sold. She continues to paint in her studio at Svartejan in preparation for the next successful art event. Healing and Intuitive Readings
Since 1999 Birgitta has run a healing practice, where she offers clients several healing modalities, learned over the years.
A session is set for about one hour and includes sharing of your concerns, the actual healing procedure, and then feed-back. You are comfortably sitting in a chair for the session or laying on a massage table fully clothed. After the healing session you may feel more relaxed, insightful, and energized.
In order to get a healthy flow in one’s body Birgitta also offers sessions in Lymphatic Therapy and consultations in Lymphatic Self Care. She is certified as a Lymphatic Therapist in Santa Barbara and has performed thousands of sessions supporting the lymphatic system.
Intuitive Readings are available by phone or in person. Birgitta offers inspiration, insights, and healing, mostly via images and sensations, unique for each person.
For a phone consultation a report is written and is e-mailed. If you see Birgitta in person, she shares her information with you and makes sure the content is received. A reading takes generally half an hour.

Birgitta became a Reiki Master in 1999. She teaches and practices Reiki to put you spiritually, mentally, emotionally and physically in alignment.
Reiki means universal life energy and complements medical and therapeutic treatments. The knowledge that an unseen energy flows through all living things and directly affects the quality of health has been part of the wisdom of many cultures since ancient times. Reiki's original roots go back to Tibet. The first Reiki Clinic was founded by Dr. Mikao Usui in Japan in 1922.
Reiki builds self-awareness and facilitates the body's natural ability to heal itself. This holistic healing method detoxifies, loosens up blockages and balances the energies of the body. Reiki relieves pain, stimulates the body's immune system and promotes a state of total relaxation and rejuvenation. Especially when you are facing changes in your life, like death in the family and surgery, Birgitta can help you through transitions to deep relaxation and a peaceful state of mind.
Healing is available for long distance healing sessions via telephone, or in person. Please make an appointment via email.
Study Reiki - As well as being a Reiki Practitioner, Birgitta is also an experienced and talented teacher. If you are interested in Reiki for yourself or sharing the gift with others, email her for more information on learning this sacred art. Private or group classes available. healer@sbhealingarts.com
Birgitta has written an educational manual with Peggy McInerny for all three Reiki levels and refined a protocol for Team Reiki, which means that 2-4 Reiki practitioners are working together with 1 client.
For years Birgitta has been a member of the International Society for the Study of Subtle Energies and Energy Medicine and the National Federation of Spiritual Healers/Healing in America. Neither has an organizational connection to any religious or spiritual group.
She has volunteered as a Reiki practitioner at the Breast Cancer Resource Center and Hospice in Santa Barbara.