include maintenance of web page. No extra hosting fees! Prices valid
only by special offer.
*Please supply text in text form (e.g., MS Word or e-mail). Fee
applied for text supplied non-digitally.
strive to make this directory of the highest quality. If you are
offering counseling or medical services, we require your web page
contains your full name and appropriate title and certification.
Individuals Members of The Directory are responsible for the content
and claims posted on their page.
pages within the Santa Barbara Wellness Directory (SBWD, the Directory)
are the property of the SBWD. SBWD may alter, edit, or re-categorize
any page within the Directory without prior consent from, or prior
advice to the renter/Member of a page, although attempt will be
made to advise the Member in advance. Alterations as described above
will always be in the spirit of improvement.
Santa Barbara Wellness Directory (SBWD, the Directory) is not responsible
for the return of any materials submitted (discs, flyers, etc.)
for the purpose of creating a Member's page within the Directory,
unless expressly agreed upon in writing in advance.