we have, everything we think we are, must at some point be surrendered,
for it is only on loan from the bounty of the divine”
- Upanishads
in control of your health by honoring your body through regular
is the Bowel that invariably has to be cared for before any
effective healing can take place”
- Bernard Jensen
are as young as Your Colon!
bodies age prematurely due to toxic bacteria released by the
decomposition of food in the bowel.
way you look, feel, and think depends on the quality of the
food and thoughts we take in. A healthy individual has a strong,
vibrant body and an adventurous spirit.
order for your body to experience optimum health, I recommend
detoxification and fasting programs four times a year as the
seasons change. This includes three to seven day fasting incorporated
with colonics, coffee enemas, wheat grass and chlorophyll infusions.
will work one-on-one with you to design a program that fits
your lifestyle and budget and which addresses any specific health
issues or concerns you may have.
is Colon Cleansing?
elimination of waste is one of the three essential functions
of life:
Building tissue from food
Balance and maintenance
Proper elimination of waste
cleansing is a detoxifying process. Toxicity occurs in our bodies
when we take in more than we can utilize and eliminate. Whether
it be food, emotions, or mental stress, colon cleansing is the
process of clearing unmanaged waste, emotions and stress from
the body's tissues.
is Colonic Irrigation or Colonic?
irrigation is a hygienic cleansing of the large intestine. Filtered
and sterile water is introduced into the colon through a sterile,
disposable rectal speculum. The speculum is inserted into the
rectum about 1 and 1/2 inches. Water induces the colon to contract
(peristalsis) allowing the colon to release water and waste.
this way the colon is gently washed in progressive intervals,
a little water in, waste and water out-repeated again and again.
Imagine a wave gently touching the beach, then receding and
carrying away silt and residue each time.
for a Colonic
is recommended for optimum results, 2-3 days before your treatment
to avoid the following:
- Red
meat and all animal products as much as possible
Fried foods, Sugar
Alcohol and all carbonated drinks
Bell peppers, broccoli, cabbage and brussel sprouts
No solid food the day of your appointment (unless you are
No liquids one hour prior to your appointment
will be given an electrolyte mineral drink and post-colonic
written instructions with food suggestions.
Treatment Session
your colon therapy session your therapist will administer abdominal
massage, coaching for deep breathing and acupressure point therapy.
Organic essential oils are carefully chosen for each individual
and utilized during the session allowing the mind and body to
relax and release. Adding coffee, wheat grass and probiotics
to the cleansing fluid is not allowed unless prescribed by a
homeopathic doctor. Additional fees apply.
One hour consultation - $75
One colon Hydrotherapy Session - $110
Series of five sessions (receive sixth free) - $550
Series of nine sessions (receive tenth free) - $900
Ear candling - $45
Detoxification Program - $1200:
Initial consultation
- 96
ounces of organic juice for 7 days
Series of four colonics
Intestinal cleansing supplements
Skin and body detoxifying kit
Nutritional guidance
Outlined written program
"Infusions" of coffee, wheatgrass, chlorophyll,
probiotics, etc. $10-$20
of Operation
Monday: 12noon-7:00pm
Tues, Wed, Thurs, Friday, Sat: 10:00-7:00pm
Sunday: 10:00-5:00pm